Review: Lamplight

The following review is by singer Clare Eccles, Soprano

flatlay of recording equipment on woodland ground, with the words 'Review - Song, Lamplight' overlaid in dark blue



Overall feel

Speech-like, folk, free, with sorrowful reflection.

How it feels to sing with the accompaniment

The variations in the time signature allow the voice to feel almost as if improvising, or singing a folk song. The rhythm feels as natural as normal speech. The last verse is deliberately less dense in the accompaniment to allow for a real feeling of desolation on ‘for you gave your life away.’ 

How do the words feel under the tongue 

Due to this being composed with the speech-like nature at its heart - the words come very naturally. 

How to describe the Character of the song

This song could cover so many different lives that have been lost. The idea of these young people that had visions of their future, destroyed by war, is incredibly moving. I would say this is very relatable and could work in many settings.


Clare Eccles


A Classical Soprano, singing teacher and community musician based in Ulverston, South Cumbria, Clare studied music at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama (M.Mus 2018), the University of Leeds (B.Mus 2012) and the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln.


For more information on Clare, follow her on Facebook

To purchase Lamplight, head to my music library


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